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Childhood Vaccinations and Why They Matter

Vaccinations are an important part of your child’s medical needs. In the last century, childhood vaccinations have almost wiped out many serious and life-threatening diseases, like polio and measles.

Early vaccination helps your child’s immune system develop and strengthen. The CDC recommends children start receiving vaccines in the first years of life, some given in the first days of life. Without vaccination, your child could be at risk of contracting a serious illness like measles, chickenpox, or pertussis (whooping cough).

Dr. John Monroe and his team at Healthy Life Family Medicine provide safe and gentle vaccination delivery from their Goodyear, AZ, office. Here’s what Dr. Monroe and his team of medical professionals want new parents to know about why childhood vaccinations matter.

Vaccines explained

Vaccinations use inactivated viruses to teach your child’s young immune system to fight specific germs. When your child is later exposed to disease, their immune system will recognize and fight off the invader.

We provide childhood vaccinations for the following diseases:

When should your child be vaccinated?

Your child should be vaccinated on a schedule that optimizes your child’s immune system and overall health. We provide vaccinations for your newborn, which will help your baby develop critical immunities and start life equipped to fight disease.

We continue to provide shots and boosters according to the ACIP or AAP childhood vaccination schedule. Some vaccines can be bundled together for easier delivery and fewer shots. If you’re concerned about the vaccination schedule, Dr. Monroe can answer any questions and quell any fears you may have.

Are childhood vaccines safe?

The safe and effective vaccination schedules we use have saved hundreds of thousands of children from dangerous diseases and prevented the spread of potentially life-threatening childhood illnesses like polio and measles.

The medical tragedies that plagued earlier generations have been largely prevented with widespread childhood vaccination. Vaccination protects your child and also protects your community by reducing opportunities for childhood diseases to spread.

We can help your child cope with vaccination anxiety. After vaccination, your child’s arm might have some redness and swelling. Dr. Monroe monitors your child for signs of an allergic reaction. Severe, long-lasting reactions to vaccines are extremely rare.

To learn more about how childhood vaccinations can protect your child and help them build strong immune systems, you can schedule an appointment with Dr. Monroe by calling 623-232-9194, or by using our online scheduling tool.

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